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Building Materials Basics

.. Building Materials ..

Stones ::
Stone is Naturally Available Building Material...

:: Types of Stones ::

1 - Geological
2 - Physical
3 - Chemical

According to geological classification

i) Igneous Rocks
ii) Sedimentary Rocks
iii) Metamorphic Rocks

i) Igneous Rocks ::This Rocks are formed by the cooling and solidifying(become hard) of the rock masses from their Melton magmatic condition of the material of the earth,igneous rocks are solid and durable.granite,trap,basalt are the igneous rocks.

ii) Sedimentary Rocks :: This Rocks are formed by the disintegration of weathering actions of water,wind and frost.The disintegrated material is carried by wind and water.The water is being most powerful medium and it forms as a layers.These deposited layers of materials get consolidated under pressure and heat.The chemical agents also in the deposits.Sand stone,lime stone and mud stones are belongs to this sedimentary rocks.

iii) Metamorphic Rock :: Those above two (igneous & sedimentary)rocks under go changes due to metamorphic action of pressure and internal heat.example...granite becomes greisses,trap and basalt changes to schist and laterite,lime stone changes to marble,and sand stone changes to quartzite and mud stone becomes slate.
Building Materials Basics Reviewed by Rajasekar on 10:05 AM Rating: 5


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