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Rock Classification

Rock Classification::
Rock can be defined as compact,semi-hard to hard mass of natural material composed of one or more minerals. The rocks that are encountered at the surface of the earth or beneath, are commonly classified into three groups according to their modes of origin.
  • Igneous Rocks

  • Sedimentary Rocks

  • Metamorphic Rocks

  • 1.Igneous Rocks::
    Igneous rocks are primary rocks formed by cooling of molten magmas or the recrystallization of older rocks under heat and pressure.The Igneous rocks are two types they are,
  • A.Extrusive Rocks

  • Extrusive rocks are Poured out of the surface.
  • 2.Intrusive Rocks

  • The intrusive rocks are large rock masses which have not been formed in contact with the atmosphere.
    Rock Classification Reviewed by Rajasekar on 8:30 AM Rating: 5

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